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Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Friday, 18 June 2010
Our Mission Statement
“God rejoices in all people, so we welcome all who are searching for the truth in mind or spirit, wherever they are on their journey”.
The Rectorial Benefice of Magor
The Church is worldwide
We come together not merely as single congregations, but as part of the universal Church all around the world. There is only one God, only one Christ, only one Church. Artificial human barriers are of no importance.
The Church is eternal
We celebrate the Communion of Saints, the spiritual union of all Christians, those on earth and those in heaven. We share a single mystical body, with Christ at the head, in which each member contributes to the good of all and the welfare of all.
The Church should be inclusive
We want to welcome everyone, and exclude no one, whatever their age, race, background, nationality or sexuality. God rejoices in all people, so we welcome all who are searching for the truth in mind or spirit, wherever they are on their journey.
The Church is ecumenical
Although we greatly cherish our own traditions and insights, we recognise that these can only be part of the whole truth of God, we rejoice with others as they search for God in their own way.
Worship is a meeting of earth and heaven
In worship we seek to express and enter the mystery of God, who cannot be captured through mere words, doctrines or formulae. Our worship has the potential to take us beyond words and give us a foretaste of the wonder and beauty of heaven, using gestures, ritual, music, silence and all the senses as a way of opening ourselves to God.
The Church should allow us to be ourselves
In all our learning and all our lives, we should never force each other into a mould, but set one another free to become the people God wants us to be.
Tradition is alive, not dead
The Spirit of God is alive and active, leading us further into God’s truth. Tradition constantly invites us to new and creative ways of understanding God; Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer.
The Benefice of Magor within the Diocese of Monmouth of the Church in Wales
May 2010